"Bring Kids Back UA" exhibition

The event is a continuation of the "Living the War" exhibition held in Kyiv, which was dedicated to protecting Ukrainian children.
The exhibition and the book not only bring to light the horrific experiences of these children but also emphasize the importance of sharing their stories with the world. During the event, invited guests from embassies, ministry representatives, opinion leaders, and media received copies of the book.
AUGUST 13 - AUGUST 27, 2024

Mexico, Mexico

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
Saint Sophia Cathedral
Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian and Canadian embassies in China
Pekin, China

JULY 2 - 2024
Hilton Singapore Orchard
Singapore, Republic of Singapore

JUNE 13 - 2024
European Commission building
Brussels, Belgium

MAY 31 - JUNE 7, 2024
National Museum of the History of Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine




Photography at Edinburgh Art Festival 2024


There’s no place like dodomu: Ukrainians’ wartime homes – in pictures


The exhibition Home: Ukrainian Photography, UK Words showcases work by eight Ukrainian photographers exploring the complex meaning of home: Igor Chekachkov, Alexander Chekmenev, Nazar Furyk, Mykhaylo Palinchak, Polina Polikarpova, Andriy Rachinskiy, Elena Subach and Daria Svertilova. 
AUGUST 2 OCTBER 5, 2024  

Stills: Centre for Photography
Edinburgh, UK

Curators: Max Gorbatskiy and Viktoria Bavykina



The Essential Goods is a group exhibition featuring work by more than 20 artists shaping the landscape of Ukrainian photography.

MAY 23  JUNE 6, 2024  
The Pavilion of Culture
Kyiv, Ukraine

Curators: Isabella van Marle and Sonya Kvasha


Living the War is a magazine dedicated to documenting life during the Russia–Ukraine war. Its second volume focuses on the children’s experiences during the Russian military invasion. Through eight personal stories, it unveils the challenges, sorrows, and aspirations of young individuals aged 10 to 18. The book helps to understand the scale of the events and the context behind the children’s lives during the war. It includes a series of interviews and a collection of photo stories, which serve as a visual testimony of war’s impact on children’s lives. 
Publisher: Volodymyr Kadygrob
© 2024 Method Publishing



The editorial board of the French weekly magazine L'Obs has dedicated its issue to Ukraine, inviting Ukrainian authors to contribute.


Contra Spem Spero. Stories from Ukraine brings together stories of 11 Ukrainian artists who report on current events in Ukraine. These are diary reflections, memoirs, observations, and hopes. The exhibition was divided into three parts: Struggle, Hope, and Aftermath. Each of them spoke about the new reality and adaptation to life during the war, about the struggle for the existence of the country, about the traumatic experiences and the hope that motivates to keep on living.

FEBRUARY 9 – MARCH 10, 2024
Museo Civico di Bari
Bari, Italy

DECEMBER 16, 2023 – JANUARY 14, 2024
Letizia Battaglia International Center of Photography Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa
Palermo, Italy

OCTOBER 23 – NOVEMBER 20, 2023
Palazzo Tobia Pallavicino
Genova, Italy

Fondazione Stelline
Milano, Italy

JUNE 27 — AUGUST 27, 2023
Mattatoio di Roma
Rome, Italy

Organised by Odesa Photo Days Festival and the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, in collaboration with the Representations of the European Parliament and the European Commission, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Embassy of Spain, the Embassy of Sweden, and the Embassy of Ukraine in Italy


LOOK Climate Lab is a biennial programme exploring how photography can be a relevant and powerful medium for talking about climate change. The topics in 2024 were rewilding and industrial heritage, growing food and regenerative farming, transport and pollution, capitalist production and impacts of war. Together researchers and artists tested their ideas and encouraged audiences to discuss systematic changes needed for dealing with the climate crisis.
JANUARY 18 MARCH 31, 2024
Open Eye Gallery
Liverpool, United Kingdom

Curator: Max Gorbatskyi


Forever and a Day showcased various projects created in Ukraine over the past two years (2022-2024). Of the fourteen participating artists, many of them young, the majority have chosen to remain in Ukraine during the ongoing war.

Melkweg Expo
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Curator: Christian van der Kooy


The second instalment of the Polish-Ukrainian project Dear Future, a story of uncertainty about the future in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The exhibition was an attempt to deal with what is happening today.

NOVEMBER 24, 2023  FEBRUARY 24, 2024
Galeria Bielska BWA (Willa Sixta)
Bielsko-Biała, Poland 

Сurators: Yulia Krivich and Anita Nemet

Organised by the Mieroszewski Centre, together with the Promocyjna Gallery, the Old Town Cultural Centre, the Bielsko BWA Gallery and in partnership with SDK Słonecznik


Comprising 150 photographs and video installations by twenty international artists, the exhibition Crossing Lines foregrounds the war in Ukraine. What types of imagery are generated to send certain messages? What continuities and commonalities prevail in society regarding the perception of images? The presented examples prove the extent to which the medium of photography is used to generate and support political and collective statements.

OCTOBER 15, 2023  JANUARY 14, 2024
Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center
Budapest, Hungary

Curators: Kateryna Radchenko and Felix Hoffman 

The exhibition premiered in the frame of the festival of visual media FOTO WIEN 2023 


The photobook Brave to Bring the Light is about the most difficult winter in the history of independent Ukraine so far. It includes photographs by more than 30 Ukrainian authors who documented the energy crisis caused by the Russian military's attack on Ukrainian infrastructure facilities during the fall of 2022, winter and spring of 2023. But above all, this is a visual book about the struggle of Ukrainians for light, both inside and outside, and about the courage of each of them to continue working in their fields because darkness disappears where light comes out. 
Producers: ist publishing, Felix Zinchenko, Oleksandr Sheveliov

The edition was created in cooperation with the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers (UAPP)



A conversation about how the war changes the photographer's work.


Crossing Lines. Politics of Images examines the distribution, circulation, and mechanisms of photographic image on three levels. What images are communicated to society through news channels or social media? Who guarantees and takes responsibility for the authenticity of images that reach our smartphones in real time today? What visual worlds are generated to make statements? When does the content of an image become propaganda for political statements?

JUNE 1  AUGUST 20, 2023
Wien, Austria

Curators: Kateryna Radchenko and Felix Hoffmann



The exhibition Home. Perspectives brings together diverse projects from 17 Ukrainian artists who offer distinct approaches to image creation, and ways of seeing and thinking about Ukraine.

The HOME project explores the concept of home through Ukrainian photography and British poetry. The project events are centered around the reflection on What does home mean? and take place across Liverpool. The project also envisages publishing a book featuring the HOME project materials and producing the Home From Home film, which is already available online.   
MAY 1 – JUNE 15, 2023
Kirkby Gallery 
Liverpool, UK

Curators: Mariama Attah, Viktoria Bavykina, and Max Gorbatskyi, together with six invited curators representing different cultural institutions across Europe and the UK



The works presented in Camera Austria International no. 161 take a look at the charged realm of belonging, dislocation, migration, and identity. Compiled here are artistic positions that mediate these themes in very different ways, that focus on more than just the representation of an individual. Instead, the featured artists at times also operate in collaborative contexts and incorporate archival ma­terials and personal oral histories, as well as texts, objects, and found items into their work. Not least, the works presented involve questions related to visualizing communities brought together by family ties or similar interests that elude our everyday gaze, to the role of photographic and filmic images in imparting historical narratives, including suppressed ones, and to a critical examination of how the categories of identity and belonging are constructed and passed on over different generations.


A fundraising exhibition and print sale for Ukraine “MOYARIDNA”
FEBRUARY 25, 2023
Union Française de Montréal
Montreal, Canada

MAY 20- MAY 21, 2022
Rove Lisboa
Lisbon, Portugal

MAY 16- MAY 29, 2022
Photographic Center Northwest
Seattle, US

MARCH 20, 2022
CAPSUL Studio,
Toronto, Canada



Ukraine. Work-in-Progress 2023 showcases a selection from the artists’ work from the past year. As the name suggests, the offered perspective does not focus on one completed series, rather, it attempts to offer the viewer a selection of key insights into the artists’ visual language as it was affected by the war. The research focus is devoted to the process, the fragile and long work of the artist in the field of war, the impossibility of concluding a statement — a condition familiar to most of the actors in the Ukrainian cultural scene.
Analyzing the complexity of artistic thought and the emergence of new visual codes of expression, coupled with the hybridization of artistic styles and their superimposition, the exhibition revealed how wartime impacts and disrupts the photographer's artistic practice.
FEBRUARY 25 – MARCH 5, 2023
Berlin, Germany

Curators: Amina Ahmed and Maya Hristova



Four artists offer an intimate and thought-provoking view into their imaginations, experiences, and observations through visual storytelling. From revisiting spaces and memories to imagining scenarios fit for a sci-fi movie, concepts of the past, present, and future are fused into the imagery.

Time and the power it holds plays a significant role in these photographs. These works all have individual visual responses to their experiences and exploration of life, it is these unique works emerging from Ukraine that demonstrate the diverse creativity and work that can form from one place, which should be celebrated.


Curator: Chloe Davies from Ffotogallery



Dear Future presents photographs on outdoor advertising media scattered in the urban space, on small display monitors in trams and on large LED monitors in the underground. The works of individual artists and art collectives illustrate a spectrum of issues that cannot be ignored in today's discourse: traumatic memory, information, social response, volatility of symbolic meanings. In light of today's events, the Polish and Ukrainian art scene is facing another challenge and a new wave of solidarity. All this is taking place on the streets of Warsaw, a city that experienced the horrors of wartime destruction less than eighty years ago.
JANUARY 16  29, 2023Exhibition on advertising media, in the urban space of Warsaw

Curators: Anita Nemet and Yulia Krivich



Irpin and Bucha, Kyiv and Lviv


Foreboding Landscape presents the work of 15 Ukrainian artists created before the war. Their photos evoke life in Ukraine through the notions of home, identity and belonging, explore the traces of the Soviet past, and reflect the anxiety and unconscious preparation for the worst-case scenario that has prevailed in people’s minds since the country’s independence in 1991.
NOVEMBER 18, 2022 – JANUARY 29, 2023
La Chambre
Strasbourg, France

Curator: Kateryna Radchenko

The exhibition is part of the Stand with Ukraine programme run by the Diagonal network in a partnership with Odesa Photo Days Festival and with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the French Institute as well as the SAIF and the ADAGP. Supported by Picto Foundation and Encadrement Flamant



Bloedvlekken, puin, verwrongen staal - deze fotograaf legt vast wat de Russische raketten aanrichten.


The exhibition Spalah. Ukrainian Photography Today represents photography, which has become the main medium reflecting the events of the war and illuminating the diversity of experiences and the present of Ukrainians. This experience cannot be conveyed in words, but it can be lived through frozen images captured by the camera shutter. In the process of reflecting the hot flow of events, documents, reports, and chronicles gain particular importance. The relentless truth of the cold lens is enlivened by the sensual gaze of the artist. It is this gaze that transforms direct fixation into a moving image that has a strong aesthetic impact and creates space for empathy.

Ukrainian House
Kyiv, Ukraine

Curator: Oleksandr Solovyev

The project was implemented by the National Center "Ukrainian House" and the NGO "Platform for Cultural Initiatives" in cooperation with the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers and with the support of the Press, Education, and Culture Department of the US Embassy in Ukraine



16/09 – 21/09. How Ukraine is resisting Russian occupation. Photo digest №35


23/08 – 28/08. How Ukraine is resisting Russian occupation. Photo digest №31


The group exhibition of 12 Ukrainian artists The New Abnormal showed a new form of life during the war, the processes of adaptation in the social and public domain, the transformation of usual rules of conduct and daily routines, and the combination of emotional states of fear, anger, and joy. These stories have been recorded during the war, in the years 2018 – 2022. They tell about Crimean Tatars adjusting to life under occupation and the residents of Kyiv and Kharkiv hunkering down in subway stations during bombardments. These are visual diaries about their authors’ experiences, as well as documentation of the destroyed towns.
PHOXXI Temporary House of Photography
Hamburg, Germany

Curators: Kateryna Radchenko, Ingo Taubhorn



The exhibition In Ukraine showcases works by three Ukrainian artists of the young generation. Among them Nazar Furyk’s photographs that tell two stories about landscape, which is seen, on the one hand, as a private, and on the other, as a common, public space. The artist devotes his Edited series of photographs (2017-2020) to the ‘beloved and hated’ suburbs of his hometown, exploring the tensions in everyday life and wandering whether creating a parallel metaphorical world by means of photography is possible. His other series is a set of snapshots documenting life in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, which the artist regularly posts on Instagram. Furyk has found a personal visual language that becomes a surreal and universalising filter superimposed on the reality he photographs.The artists’ works presented in the Jednostka Gallery are a multi-faceted look at Ukrainian space. Landscape will always remember fear and devastation.
SEPTEMPER 3  17, 2022
Galeria Jednostka
Warsaw, Poland

Curators: Yulia Krivich, Katarzyna Sagatowska



Granta 160: Conflict.

Signs of an Approaching War

‘ We were ourselves migrating birds; in a sense, refugees, displaced persons, without a home or a home town.’

Volodymyr Rafeyenko on the war on Ukraine, translated by Sasha Dugdale. Photo by Nazar Furyk.


The exhibition How Are You, Living In a War-Torn Country? was shown at the street gallery in frame of Odesa Photo Days. In 2022 the festival was moved to Kranj Foto Fest, which presented the stories of Ukrainian photographers.
Tam-Tam Galerija Na mestu
Kranj, Slovenia

Curator: Kateryna Radchenko



On February 24th, 2022, Russia began their full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Over the past 6+ months of air raid sirens, missiles hitting civilian targets, and pure destruction from a familiar evil, a new voice of resilience and hope has emerged from the Ukrainian people. Through photography and text, our new project Сподіваюсь (HOPE) contrasts the current reality of chaos, tragedy and war with the anticipation of a peaceful, beautiful post-war Ukraine. Moving towards a restored Ukraine requires action now.
Profits raised will go to Kyiv Angels and Livyi Bereh, two organizations providing support to Ukrainians affected by the war and those in desperate need on the eastern frontlines.


The Information Front: Volume One features photojournalism of the war covered by those photographers who are most vulnerable: Ukrainian photographers themselves.
The Information Front is organized by:
Kateryna Radchenko, Christopher Nunn, and Donald Weber



i-D Italy / 8 sguardi fotografici che raccontano la storia e l'identità Ucraina.


‘Ukrainian. Photographies’ launches with the ‘Refractions. Home’ exhibition, curated by the authors of the project, Viktoria Bavykina and Max Gorbatskyi, as an introduction to the following exhibitions and publications that will be published on the platform in the future. The works of 18 Ukrainian photographers featured in the exhibition were created both before and after the war started. Some works directly comprehend the Russian invasion of Ukraine since 2014, while others have no direct connection to the war, but are now compelled to be seen as having such. Regardless of the time, place or chosen focus, all photographers, as well as the authors of the exhibition, talk about a common and the most important place — their home.
JUNE 2022

Curators: Max Gorbatskiy and Viktoria Bavykina



Foreboding Landscape features photographs taken by Ukrainian male and female photographers before Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine. The works convey various aspects of life: understanding home and one’s own territory; visual connections with the past and the Soviet regime, which has so far been present in various forms in Ukraine; anxiety and subconscious preparation for the worst-case scenario that prevailed in moods, conversations and daily life.
JUNE 10 26, 2022 
OFF Piotrkowska
Lodz, Poland

Curator: Kateryna Radchenko



The Palm Photo Prize 2022 exhibition of the Finalists
MAY 19 – JUNE 5, 2022
10 14 Gallery
London, United Kingdom



A group of Ukrainian photographers choosed one image each,with a few words about why they shared this image. These images were sent in March. They represent a moment in time, what the artists felt at that time, what they saw and what they wanted to share.


Issue #7907: Love/Ukraine.

This issue has two halves, with a double cover. The first represents Love, with a cover shot by Italian photographer, Marco Zanella. A month into the production of this issue, on 24 February, Russia launched a brutal invasion into Ukraine. The editorial team wanted to maintain the visibility and prominence of the stories told by the photographers of Ukraine. So, the second cover is Yelena Yemchuk’s cover image of a young male that was taken before the 2022 war.


Shoulder to shoulder: Ukrainian war photography.
APRIL 30 – MAY 25, 2022
Exhibition in the public space
Odesa, Ukraine.

Shampanka, NGO “Institute of the development of Odesa” in a partnership with Odesa Photo Days Festival, with the support of Ambassadors of Culture and Vostok Bank.


Bird in Flight Has Organized a Fundraiser Together with Ukrainian Photographers.

During the ‘Photographers to Children’ campaign, Bird in Flight has put the works by 74 authors on sale. The proceedings, €12,650, will go to ‘Posmishka’ fund in Zaporizhzhia, which takes care of families with children and orphans who suffered from the war.


Slovak online magazine Døkument magazín sk in cooperation with the international photography festival Odesa Photo Days issued the project "Photography for Ukraine". More than 30 artists from Slovakia and Ukraine participated and provided their photographs for sale. All funds raised (6.000 euros) was donated to aid Ukrainian photography, humanitarian needs, and artists most affected by war.


Nazar Furyk Stand with Ukraine.


Solidarité avec les photographes ukrainiens: 25 comptes Instagram à suivre.


Nazar Furyk Edited.


Nazar Furyk Photo story Edited


What do Kyiv shelters look like?


This exhibition tries to bring the view from the public to the private sphere. In this selection, the topics of each project are related to traumatic experiences, heartbreak, and loneliness, which are common symptoms of this unique period we are all experiencing. Each of them in a unique way is questioning the difference and equality in collaboration between the Other and the Author.

The Bird in Flight Prize team and PhMuseum selected 14 projects from all the submissions of the 2021 Bird in Flight Prize.
JANUARY 24 MAY 2, 2022

Curator: Bird in Flight Prize



The largest village in West Ukraine and the traces of the famous Hutsul Oleksa Dovbush - in the photos of Nazar Furyk


Untitled publishes the 21 best street photos of 2021 from the Ukrainian Street Photography community.

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